TIU Trainers

TIU Trainers
Our trainers, Karena & Katrina

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you!

I'm really slow on getting my vision board started. There are some many good examples of women who live the life they teach through websites, books and magazines. So that is my first challenge, to complete my vision board by Monday 1/2/2012, that way I have these great women, words and images as inspiration to start my 2012 work week in a positive frame of mind and be in a place where they can't bully me around. It's bad enough that they're burning my bridge without really giving me a chance, no matter how things approve they will never be happy.

So what are my goals for 2012?
1. Start 2012 with the Tone it Up 2012 Challenge, join here
2. Use TIU's nutritional plan and Tosca Reno's blog to learn how to eat and cook clean
3. Exercise using TIU's workout's on their monthly Calendars
4. Start using my membership at the gym, going at least twice a week
5. Go to Bikram yoga once a week to help with the detoxing of
6. Post regular updates on my progress here and on Facebook, to keep with accountability
7. Share inspiring stories that I find in my reading and on Facebook
8. Find a new job out of my current employer if possible, the cause of my stress and my pudgy belly fat
9. Continually share my experience with my friends and family, in hopes of inspiring them to live and eat clean so they can take control of their health and life.

The reason why I'm getting psyched and using all these social media tools is because at 48 1/2, realizing that I'm not 20-something anymore and need to find ways to help me stay motivated and on the path to what I feel on the inside. Most of the time I feel good but that's not enough. I want to feel GREAT!!

I have a job that stresses me out to the point of distraction and anxiety ever present during the work day. I'm on Lexapro to help curb the anxiety and recently it was increased to double strength because I couldn't control my thoughts or feelings. I have a coworker who is the managements spy and tells them everything I do wrong but never the stuff that was more challenging and done correctly.

This is stress is definitely the cause of much of my weight gain because I use so much energy to keep the walls up during the day that by dinner time I'm exhausted and a couch potato. Found TIU last spring and have tried on several occasions the TIU 7-Day Slim Down with some success but always falling off it because of work. The drive thru is so much easier than to cook. Or just snacks on the couch.

My vision is to have a happy, healthy life and body like Tosca Reno has at the age of 52! I have 3 1/2 years to get there but would like to be really close by this summer!

Also with the help of the everyone in the TIU community along with Karen & Katrina out in CA, I know I can get there!
So can you if you believe! Happy New Year! Janice

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