TIU Trainers

TIU Trainers
Our trainers, Karena & Katrina

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

30 Day Ab Challenge

Well, I've done it! I've worked on the store enough to make it accessible to everyone on the web.

Now comes the time to work on my healthy and nutrition while working on finding a new job and keeping the store inventory up to date.

So do this I'm boarding the TIU lifestyle and Strong Like Susan 30-day Ab challenge to give myself a kick in the booty that needs to be kicked. My friend Georgie has the details on her blog:

And here are my trainers! Karena on the left and Katrina on the right! They live the lifestyle that they teach and inspire all of the women on FB and on their community to be the BEST that THEY CAN BE!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fell Off the TIU Challenge Big Time..Here's Why..

Beware! I was a little impulsive with the language and do I apologize.

I am having problems at work. No matter how I perform or improve on my skills and the manager at work has this laundry list of things that I "do wrong" all the time! I saw that the other day and I could reputtable almost everything except for things that have no real details.

I have a coworker that shares my office and she's her little spy, one day months ago telling me that I've put her in a tough situation. NO! She made the decision to be a liar and a backstabber. I don't trust her and will not talk to her except the common courtesies of humanity. She worked off campus today because she knew that the email was coming to request another "performance review meeting that will possibly lead to disciplinary action"! Well we're in a middle of a grievance and shouldn't be doing this and it's basically because she's trying to drive me crazy and out of the department. If she feels like there's not a fit then why not let me into the layoff pool so I can go on temp assignments and continue on working. Especially since I have no confidence in anything I do.
From my FaceBook Page: Fucking mgr wants a performance review and threatening disciplinary action and all the emotions and stress have finally taking it's toll on my relationship with chris..it's done i want someone in my life who can handle all the ups and down with fucking Yale university. I'm tired of this shit, give me time and space to get a new job in another department then I'll be out of your fucking life and you'll be out of mine! I'm not the loser you are Mrs. Manager of the engineering department!
So want to get back into my healthy choices, TIU workouts and feel good about myself again. It's not the University I'm angry with, it's how this person can be so hateful towards me for doing the best job that I can do! It's not like I'm lazy and pushing things off the coworker. She's part of the problem, putting on the laundry list that I'm too emotional. HELLO!?!?! Her boss is threatening me with disciplinary action, of course I would be emotional!

I'm now on another mood drug that I have to take at least once a day at 1/2 the dosage but tomorrow I'll need to take the 1/2 dosage with my other medication just to stay calm! Will I be able to do my job? Probably very slowly and trying to stay awake. The two together get me very droozy so I take them separately and it's something I have to do in order to stay calm.

I miss TIU, all the girls in the family, my friends, my, family, my boyfriend and everything that's positive and good in my life because I can't feel them right now.

My journey will begin again...Bikini season is around the corner! And I want to be hot!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Life Update and 2012 Challenge Arrived!

Good afternoon all!

Well I recovered from a crazy New Year's Eve and wish that Chris and I didn't go to the pub to bring in 2012. Why? I was so drunk that I don't remember anything after I arrived home without Chris! Yes, shouldn't have left him alone because he doesn't remember how he got home either. Somewhere along the line I called his phone and looked up the pub's phone number, don't remember that either.

I do remember pulling off my Christmas present and throwing at the window but I don't really know why I would've been so upset with Chris to do something so disrespectful. I'm really sorry about this latest outburst of anger towards him and disrespecting his home. On top of my new years list is to cut back on the drinking, doesn't mix well with the 20mg of Lexapro I'm on.

Here is the state of the necklace. ;-( as you can see it's in pretty bad shape and thank goodness there's a jewelry bead shop in his town and they'll take good care to fix it better than it was. Thank goodness too when the shop owner took out a few pieces that have a good piece of the design and I chose a piece that most resembles the stone design that they don't have. I've given them permission to replace any stones that are broken with the same or closest that resembles the color etc.

Well to get back to the TIU 2012 Challenge, had my first ever completed 30 min Booty Call at 7:30 am! It was 36 degree and windy! Made it feel like it was in single numbers! I guess we are now into winter.

M1 (Meal 1) - 16oz of water, pumpkin cranberry bread
M2 - Grande Starbucks Pikes Place coffee and a spinach, feta & egg white wrap.
M3 - Grande Starbucks gingerbread latte no whip and last of the bread with ricotta cheese w/stevia topping

Need to print out the TIU grocery list and check pantry, frig for supplies then venture out into the winter cold. May head to my parents to give them the cheese cake left over from New Years dinner, courtesy of brother & his wife. Can't be tempted by having it in my home. I want to get through the next 6 weeks with as little diversion as possible for the most results.

Today was a good step!